Test Your Reaction Speed

Challenge yourself with our precision reaction time test. Track your progress, compete with others, and improve your reflexes.

How It Works

Start Testing

Click 'Start Game' to begin the challenge. The test runs for 30 seconds, giving you plenty of opportunities to demonstrate your speed.

Click Targets

Blue circles will appear randomly on screen. Click them as quickly as you can - every millisecond counts towards your final score!

Get Rated

After 30 seconds, receive your rating from S to D based on both your speed and accuracy. Compare your results with others!

Ranking System

S Rank

45+ clicks

Under 500ms

Professional Level

A Rank

35-44 clicks

Under 600ms


B Rank

25-34 clicks

Under 700ms


C Rank

15-24 clicks

Under 800ms


D Rank

0-14 clicks

Over 800ms

Keep Practicing

Why Test Your Reaction Time?

Gaming Performance

Fast reaction times are crucial for competitive gaming. Top gamers typically have reaction times under 200ms.

Athletic Training

Athletes use reaction time tests to improve their performance and measure their progress over time.

Cognitive Health

Reaction time is a key indicator of cognitive health and can help monitor mental alertness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a good reaction time?

The average human reaction time is 250ms to visual stimuli. Professional gamers and athletes often achieve times between 150-200ms.

How can I improve my score?

Regular practice, proper rest, and maintaining focus during the test can help improve your scores. Try testing at different times of day to find your peak performance period.

How accurate is this test?

Our test measures reaction times with millisecond precision. However, results can be affected by your device's display lag and input latency.